Living in the Crosslake or Brainerd, MN area more than likely means you spend time enjoying the nearby lakes and rivers. Boating is a family affair, and, in many cases, the kids love it just as much as the parents. The agents at Lakes Central Insurance Brokers understand that families that boat together often share the responsibilities as well. This means that everyone learns to drive the boat and understand the laws for being on the water.
13 to 18 Years of Age
In Minnesota, a child cannot drive a boat legally until they are 13 years of age. When a child turns 13, they can take control of a boat and drive legally if they are with an adult and have completed a Boat Safety course. These restrictions are in place so that the child has time to learn the laws and understand proper boating etiquette.
18 and Older
After the age of 18, the restrictions are eliminated, and the minor can drive the boat unattended. Although the Boat Safety course is not mandatory for individuals who are 18 and older, it is a good idea to take the course just to become familiar with Minnesota’s boating laws. Many parents choose to take the course with their kids so they can both have the same information.
At Lakes Central Insurance Brokers, agents are always ready to meet with their clients in Brainerd, MN and discuss boating insurance and boat safety skills. Working together with your agent, you will be able to have a fun and stress-free time on the water. Call and set up an appointment with one of the agents today!